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Have you ever gone to a shopping mall or large store and forgotten where you parked the car? Have you walked up and down the isles hoping to get a glimpse of your car? On most of the cars today your key fob has a red button that is marked, panic.

I thought what an idea, I will push the panic button and the horn will beep. Then when the horn goes off you say to yourself; I remember now. Oh no you didn’t the car remembered for you. I can’t speak for you but I will go in my tool shed to get a tool, get there and say now what did I come in here to get. So, I lean there on my work bench thinking this is really stupid.

This is called being confused. Websters dictionary says “a failure to distinguish between things” is confused. Now that was confusing to me so I looked up distinguish. It said there, “to recognize clearly.”

If I could have recognized clearly, I would have been able to find my car. I wouldn’t have had to push the panic button. If I could have recognized clearly, I wouldn’t have been leaning on my work bench trying to figure what I came into the tool shed for.

I looked down at the definition for confused again and it also said “bewildered, or failure to distinguish between things.” Now that was a lot of help. I looked up bewildered and it sent me back to the word “confuse.” Now I am right back where I started, only now I am really confused. I don’t know if I am confused or confounded or just in a state of confusion.

I decided to give up on webster and get back into the word of God. I didn’t find the word confuse, but I did find something in 1st Corinthians.

1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

God is not the author of disorder or confusion but of peace. He will always be our peace. There is only this instance where he confused humans.

Genesis 11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech.

This came about because of their vain desires to reach to heaven by building a tower. They were seeking to make themselves like God. When God works thru the Holy Spirit He never desires to cause you to be confused. Knowing this gives me great peace. God will never leave you he will never forsake you and he will never lead you astray. Let His Holy Spirit be a light to your pathway.

Sometimes we get so busy that our minds get overloaded with the stuff of this world. That is, we get a world mind set instead of a word mind set. We forget about the things of God. We look to our own natural circumstances and not to what God has to say.

Matthew 14:29-30 And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me.

Peter’s natural way of thinking was saying, no one can walk on water so he began to sink when he focused on his circumstances instead of Jesus. When we start thinking in the natural realm in a supernatural circumstance we will fail every time, just like Peter did.

If God is not the author of confusion then we must have an enemy that is trying to confuse, confound and bewilder us. That enemy is Satan.

1 Peter 5: 8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:

We need the Lord working in our life, every minute of every day. He will protect us from this adversary. Satan has no power over the believer who is following the Lord in their daily walk. God is waiting for you to seek him out in all you do. Pause a moment and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your day.

Stay in the word,

Brother Andy


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